حققت جامعة النهرين إنجازًا متميزًا بإدراجها ضمن الجامعات العراقية البارزة في تصنيف QS العالمي للتنمية المستدامة لعام 2025، حيث جاءت في المركز الثالث بين الجامعات العراقية المشمولة في التصنيف، مما يعكس الأداء المتفوق للجامعات على مستوى العالم في مجالات التأثير البيئي والاجتماعي والحوكمة.
جاءت جامعة النهرين في مقدمة الجامعات العراقية التي أظهرت قدرتها على التنافس مع أفضل الجامعات العالمية، بجانب جامعات رائدة مثل جامعة بغداد (المركز الأول)، وجامعة الأنبار (المركز الثاني)، وجامعات بابل والمستنصرية وغيرها. وقد تنافست في هذا التصنيف نحو 1800 جامعة عالمية، معتمدةً على مؤشرات دقيقة تشمل التأثير البيئي بنسبة 45%، والتأثير الاجتماعي بنسبة 44%، إضافة إلى الحوكمة بنسبة 10%.
يعكس هذا الإنجاز المكانة التي وصلت إليها جامعة النهرين باعتبارها واحدة من الجامعات التي تسهم بشكل فعّال في تحقيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة، وذلك من خلال خططها وبرامجها الأكاديمية والبحثية التي تتماشى مع التطورات العالمية.
كما يبرز هذا التقدم ضمن المشهد الأكاديمي العراقي الذي شهد نهضة كبيرة، حيث ينافس أكثر من مئة جامعة وكلية عراقية في التصنيفات العالمية، مما ساهم في تحقيق العراق للمركز 29 عالميًا في تصنيف التايمز العالمي، والمركز السابع عالميًا في تصنيف التايمز للتنمية المستدامة.
هذا الإنجاز يمثل دافعًا لجامعة النهرين لمواصلة الريادة وتعزيز دورها في إحداث تغيير إيجابي يخدم المجتمع العراقي ويدعم أهداف التنمية المستدامة.
Al-Nahrain University ranks third in the QS Sustainability Rankings for 2025.
Al-Nahrain University has achieved a notable milestone by being listed among the prominent Iraqi universities in the QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2025, where it secured the third position among Iraqi universities included in the ranking. This reflects the university’s outstanding performance in areas such as environmental impact, social impact, and governance at a global level.
Al-Nahrain University stands at the forefront of Iraqi universities, competing alongside leading institutions like the University of Baghdad (first place), University of Anbar (second place), and other universities such as University of Babl and University of Mustansiriya. The university competed with nearly 1,800 global institutions, using precise indicators that include 45% environmental impact, 44% social impact, and 10% governance.
This achievement highlights the status that Al-Nahrain University has reached as a key contributor to sustainable development goals, through its academic and research programs that align with global advancements.
This progress also reflects the broader academic landscape in Iraq, which has seen significant growth, with over a hundred Iraqi universities and colleges competing in global rankings. This has contributed to Iraq’s ranking of 29th globally in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and 7th globally in the Times Higher Education Sustainability Rankings.
This accomplishment serves as a driving force for Al-Nahrain University to continue leading and enhancing its role in fostering positive change that benefits the Iraqi society and supports sustainable development goals.
Al-Nahrain University ranks third in the QS Sustainability Rankings for 2025.
Al-Nahrain University has achieved a notable milestone by being listed among the prominent Iraqi universities in the QS World University Rankings: Sustainability 2025, where it secured the third position among Iraqi universities included in the ranking. This reflects the university’s outstanding performance in areas such as environmental impact, social impact, and governance at a global level.
Al-Nahrain University stands at the forefront of Iraqi universities, competing alongside leading institutions like the University of Baghdad (first place), University of Anbar (second place), and other universities such as University of Babl and University of Mustansiriya. The university competed with nearly 1,800 global institutions, using precise indicators that include 45% environmental impact, 44% social impact, and 10% governance.
This achievement highlights the status that Al-Nahrain University has reached as a key contributor to sustainable development goals, through its academic and research programs that align with global advancements.
This progress also reflects the broader academic landscape in Iraq, which has seen significant growth, with over a hundred Iraqi universities and colleges competing in global rankings. This has contributed to Iraq’s ranking of 29th globally in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and 7th globally in the Times Higher Education Sustainability Rankings.
This accomplishment serves as a driving force for Al-Nahrain University to continue leading and enhancing its role in fostering positive change that benefits the Iraqi society and supports sustainable development goals.